Hey I hope you're all doing well.
Towards the end of December, December 18th acutally, I am taking lay-off from my job for the winter since we can't work in the cold.
During that time I am planning to put all my time into my artwork and portfolio.
I know I haven't made much hentai in a while but I really do want to make some more artwork cus I actually miss it.
Lately I've just been working towards my goal as a tattoo artist and working on my portfolio for it.
During my lay-off I will be uploading much more artwork here. More hentai, more tattoos, and excitedly, more larger Illustration peices like my Deer peice and my Awoken Skeleton drawing.
Thank's for continueing to vote and favorite my artwork, It always means a lot to me that you all enjoy what I'm creating. Thank's a lot for being here with me!